
Nutrition & Sustainable Agriculture

 Sustainable Agriculture Development

In collaboration with Mision Jesuita, Wayra, and our other partners in the region, the Project supports the development and implementation of systems of sustainable agriculture which will provide additional sources of vital nutrition for children and families. In 2022 we supported the construction of a new greenhouse in the municipality of Huaro, which will provide a sustainable sources of nutrition to families who receive services from the parish center of Saint John the Baptist.


Not only will the greenhouse serve to provide vital nutrition to children and families, the facility will also serve as an important center of empowerment and training for local women. Roughly 70% of people in Peru work in the “informal economy” - street vendors, market vendors, and various service providers. The greenhouse will be sustained by groups of local women who are participating in empowerment programs sponsored by Wayra and other regional social service agencies. Through their work, these women will gain valuable skills empowering them to create their own sources of income through implementation of growing strategies in their own homes and farms.

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Nutrition Assistance

In addition to our sustainable agriculture initiatives, we seek to empower local organizations to enhance their nutrition options for the communities they serve. In 2022 the Project established a partnership with the San Antonio School, a small special needs school in the municipality of Huaro. The San Antonio School is the only special needs school serving children in Quispicanchi. Families may travel up to one hour, one-way, so their children can receive not only a formative education, but also psychological care, physical therapy, and nutritional support.

Leveraging the generosity of our donors as well as the newly constructed greenhouse at the parish center of Saint John the Baptist, the San Antonio school receives a monthly supply of staple goods in addition to surplus produce from the greenhouse.

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